Role of an MP

What I can do for you

I receive hundreds of emails from constituents every week who need help with a wide variety of issues that they may be facing. Ranging from help with the government organisations to issues with their housing.

In order for me to deal with your case more quickly, you must include your name and full postal address in your email. This is due to a strict Parliamentary protocol that means that MPs are only able to represent their own constituents.

What can my MP do for me?

  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) queries 
  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) issues
  • Complaints and issues with hospitals and GPs
  • Issues with individual organisations such as housing associations or utility companies
  • Concerns or complaints with the local Council or authorities (although Councillors should be contacted first on these matters)
  • Support complaints which have exhausted the existing complaints process in being taken further to an Ombudsman


What I cannot do as your MP.

  • I cannot get involved in civil disputes between constituents, such as neighbours or family disputes, or private renting.
  • I cannot get involved with cases that are of a judicial or legal nature that are going through the courts or have previously been ruled on in court.
  • I cannot provide financial or business advice.
  • I have no jurisdiction on decisions made by departments or local authorities, however once all complaints procedures have been exhausted, I am able to write to them on your behalf.


How I deal with your case?

In most cases I am able to write to the organisation or department in question to gain further clarity and reassurances to the concerns that you are raising. If there is a delay this can be beneficial to seek an explanation as to why, or in some cases, help expedite your case.

This is usually successful; however, I cannot guarantee that this enquiry will result in the desired outcome.

Additionally, if a decision has been made or a process has been followed correctly, then there may be no further action that I am able to take.


If you require any further clarification or information about how I may be able to help you then please do not hesitate to email me at or call the office on 01634 840411.